Principal: Jason Miller
Bethel Christian Academy is not a substitute for the Christian home, Christian parents or congregational activity, but is a supplement. It is not a correctional institution and cannot keep students or parents from suffering the consequences of neglect, waste, or sin of earlier years or of current years. It is not a magic solution to the problems of youth.
Bethel Christian Academy is founded upon the fact that the "chief part of knowledge (and wisdom) is the fear of Jehovah." (Proverbs 1:7, marginal.) It is dedicated to presenting every subject in the light of the reality of God and the revelation of himself to man in the word of God, the Bible, and to specific teachings of the Bible. The staff is composed of Christians who are dedicated to serving God and youth.
Accreditation by a state government is an administrative mechanism designed to attain uniform education for all children in government schools. It was established to cause local public school districts to meet minimum academic and facility standards in their respective schools. Accreditors, therefore, investigate and approve (or disapprove) facilities and curricula of institutions in their charge according to criteria developed by secular educationists who may or may not maintain a Christian worldview.
Accreditation of a private Christian Academy is not required for a graduate of that school to enroll in a college or university. Registrars of such institutions are more interested in the academic merits attained by applicants; thus they evaluate aptitude of candidates based on nationally recognized standardized tests.
BCA does not seek accreditation from any outside educational reference, nor do we require certification for our instructors. We do, however, endeavor to provide the highest possible academic program.
It is our responsibility to obey the Scripture in its clear command to train up our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. It is not necessary to ask permission of the state to carry out God’s mandates.
For more information take a look at the BCA WEBSITE